Чиповать не знаю, но есть примочки которые включаются между датчиком давления в рейле и его разъемом. Называется PowerBox. Вот что пишет один крендель из Гватемалы. ================================ I have actually installed a power chip on my 2005 Terracan 2.9L Diesel and the improvement is amazing. The mid to low end improve dramatically while the low end has a noticeable improvement. I ordered this module from… (better PM me, I don’t know if it’s legal to disclaim this info in the forum) in the US and paid a very reasonable amount of money for it, about $320 with shipping and local taxes paid. Make sure to check out the PowerBoxCR that is digital, they claim it’s better since it’s digital. Mine is the analog version but works beautifully. Fuel mileage…….. I just wanted a boost in power but I’ve been spending the same, maybe a little less in fuel, so it actually boosts the power plus. Just remember to uninstall it befre taking it for service, at least in this country, you void the warranty if you install this kind of devices. Check yours. Buy one, it’s definitely worth it! ================================ Короче зашел на сайт PowerBox CR обещают за $239.99 HYUNDAI Original with TDC PowerBox MODEL kW HP PS ft lbs NM kW HP PS ft lbs NM Terracan 2.9 CRDi 120 161 163 254 345 144 192 195 299 405 Terracan 2.9 CRDi 110 148 150 243 330 125 168 170 282 383